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The Tromping Around Report: Melted Cheese Edition

At long last, it's a dainty little tromping around report! Here's some Albany news that you might not have heard about yet.

1. We're Getting a Firefighting Museum

This sign popped up on Broadway some time in the past few weeks. The museum's website is badly out of date and the contact email doesn't work, but I've reached out to the museum via Facebook asking for more information. More when I know it!

2. That Chipotle Your Cousin Wanted is Open

Your cousin who doesn't normally like coming into Albany because there isn't enough parking will be delighted to learn that the new Chipotle at 17 New Scotland near Albany Med is now officially open. In related bad news for your uncle who attends a lot of planning board meetings in order to oppose things: according to the Albany Business Review, all of the apartments in the building that houses the Chipotle are now leased, as are all of the apartments at 33 New Scotland.

3. A Philly Cheese Steak Joint For Lark

The Kitchen 216 Instagram account has just announced what's going into the former Kitchen 216 space on Lark -- an "Authentic Philly cheese steak and sandwich restaurant" serving "Philadelphia cheesesteaks, lobster rolls, burgers, fried chicken sandwiches, po'boys, fish fries and more." The new place will be called Quita B's and should be opening in September.

4. Vegan Ice Cream Will Arrive at Stewart's by July 20th

In opposite-from-the-above-news news, Gary Dake (the president of Stewart's) has announced on his Insta that vegan ice cream will be rolling out to all Stewart's shops by July 20th.

300 New Apartments Proposed

A number of projects were discussed at the Albany Planning Board workshop tonight, including three projects -- one on Washington one on North Pearl, and one on New Scotland -- that would bring a combined 300 more apartments to Albany. These projects will be up for a vote at the July 23rd meeting.


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